Source code for daops.ops.subset

from clisops.ops.subset import subset as clisops_subset
from roocs_utils.parameter import parameterise

from daops.ops.base import Operation

__all__ = [

class Subset(Operation):
    def _resolve_params(self, collection, **params):
        Resolve the subset parameters to `self.params` and parameterise
        collection parameter and set to self.collection.
        parameters = parameterise(

        self.collection = parameters.pop("collection")
        self.params = parameters

    def get_operation_callable(self):
        return clisops_subset

[docs] def subset( collection, time=None, area=None, level=None, time_components=None, output_dir=None, output_type="netcdf", split_method="time:auto", file_namer="standard", apply_fixes=True, ): """ Subset input dataset according to parameters. Can be subsetted by level, area and time. Parameters ---------- collection: Collection of datasets to process, sequence or string of comma-separated dataset identifiers. time: Time interval (defined by start/end) or time series (a sequence of datetime values) to subset over. Datetimes are typically provided as strings. area: Area to subset over, sequence or string of comma separated lat and lon bounds. Must contain 4 values. level: Level interval (defined by start/end) or level series (a sequence of values) to subset over. Levels are typically provided as integers or floats. time_compoonents: Time components to filter on: year, month, day, hour, minute, second output_dir: str or path like object describing output directory for output files. output_type: {"netcdf", "nc", "zarr", "xarray"} split_method: {"time:auto"} file_namer: {"standard", "simple"} apply_fixes: Boolean. If True fixes will be applied to datasets if needed. Default is True. Returns ------- List of outputs in the selected type: a list of xarray Datasets or file paths. Examples -------- | collection: ("",) | time: ("1999-01-01T00:00:00", "2100-12-30T00:00:00") | area: (-5.,49.,10.,65) | level: (1000.,) | time_components: {"month": ["dec", "jan", "feb"]} | output_type: "netcdf" | output_dir: "/cache/wps/procs/req0111" | split_method: "time:auto" | file_namer: "standard" | apply_fixes: True """ result_set = Subset(**locals()).calculate() return result_set