Source code for daops.utils.consolidate

import collections
import glob
import os

import xarray as xr
from roocs_utils.project_utils import get_project_base_dir
from roocs_utils.project_utils import get_project_name

from daops import CONFIG
from daops import logging
from daops.utils.core import _wrap_sequence

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__file__)

def _consolidate_dset(dset):
    Constructs the file path for the input dataset depending on the type of dataset that is passed in.

    :param dset: Dataset to process. Formats currently accepted are file paths, paths to directories containing netCDF
                 files or dataset identifiers (ds ids).
    :return: The file path for the input dataset.
    if dset.startswith("https"):
        raise Exception("This format is not supported yet")
    elif os.path.isfile(dset) or dset.endswith(".nc"):
        return dset
    elif os.path.isdir(dset):
        return os.path.join(dset, "*.nc")
    elif dset.count(".") > 6:
        project = get_project_name(dset)
        base_dir = get_project_base_dir(project)
        return base_dir.rstrip("/") + "/" + dset.replace(".", "/") + "/*.nc"
        raise Exception(f"The format of {dset} is not known.")

[docs]def convert_to_ds_id(dset): """ Converts the input dataset to a drs id form to use with the elasticsearch index. :param dset: Dataset to process. Formats currently accepted are file paths and paths to directories. :return: The ds id for the input dataset. """ projects = [_.split(":")[1] for _ in CONFIG.keys() if _.startswith("project:")] if dset.startswith("https"): raise Exception("This format is not supported yet") elif os.path.isfile(dset) or dset.endswith(".nc"): dset = dset.split("/") i = max(loc for loc, val in enumerate(dset) if val.lower() in projects) ds_id = ".".join(dset[i:-1]) return ds_id elif os.path.isdir(dset): dset = dset.split("/") i = max(loc for loc, val in enumerate(dset) if val.lower() in projects) ds_id = ".".join(dset[i:]) return ds_id else: raise Exception(f"The format of {dset} is not known.")
[docs]def consolidate(collection, **kwargs): """ Finds the file paths relating to each input dataset. If a time range has been supplied then only the files relating to this time range are recorded. :param collection: (roocs_utils.CollectionParameter) The collection of datasets to process. :param kwargs: Arguments of the operation taking place e.g. subset, average, or re-grid. :return: An ordered dictionary of each dataset from the collection argument and the file paths relating to it. """ collection = _wrap_sequence(collection.tuple) filtered_refs = collections.OrderedDict() for dset in collection: consolidated = _consolidate_dset(dset) # convert dset to ds_id to work with elasticsearch index if not dset.count(".") > 6: dset = convert_to_ds_id(dset) if "time" in kwargs: time = kwargs["time"].asdict() file_paths = glob.glob(consolidated)"Testing {len(file_paths)} files in time range: ...") files_in_range = [] ds = xr.open_mfdataset(file_paths, use_cftime=True) if time["start_time"] is None: time["start_time"] = ds.time.values.min().strftime("%Y") if time["end_time"] is None: time["end_time"] = ds.time.values.max().strftime("%Y") times = [ int(time["start_time"].split("-")[0]), int(time["end_time"].split("-")[0]) + 1, ] required_years = set(range(*[_ for _ in times])) for i, fpath in enumerate(file_paths):"File {i}: {fpath}") ds = xr.open_dataset(fpath) found_years = {int(_) for _ in ds.time.dt.year} if required_years.intersection(found_years): files_in_range.append(fpath)"Kept {len(files_in_range)} files") consolidated = files_in_range[:] if len(files_in_range) == 0: raise Exception(f"No files found in given time range for {dset}") filtered_refs[dset] = consolidated return filtered_refs